Notes for using Boost Graph Library (BGL)!


Introduction to the BGL

The Boost Graph Library (BGL)

The BGL currently provides two graph classes and an edge list adaptor:

  • adjacency_list– “swiss army knife”, highly parameterised and optimised for different situations.
  • adjacency_matrix
  • edge_list

A Quick Tour of the BGL


Constructing a Graph

We will use the BGL adjacency_list, a template class with 6 template parameters.


Options for OutEdgeList and VertexList (see Section Choosing the Edgelist and VertexList):

  • vecS selects std::vector.
  • listS selects std::list.
  • slistS selects std::slist.
  • setS selects std::set.
  • multisetS selects std::multiset.
  • hash_setS selects boost::unordered_set.

Basic knowledge before reading the examples:

  • The usage of STL pair

For operating edges:

  • add_edge(first_vertex, second_vertex, graph_name)

For operating vertices:

  • add_vertex()
  • remove_vertex()

Accessing the Vertex Set


Can be used to access all of the vertices in the graph; This function returns a std::pair of vertex iterators (the first iterator points to the “beginning” of the vertices and the second iterator points “past the end”).

graph_traits and iterator

Dereferencing a vertex iterator gives a vertex object. The type of the vertex iterator is given by the graph_traits class. Note that different graph classes can have different associated vertex iterator types, which is why we need the graph_traits class. Given some graph type, the graph_traits class will provide access to the vertex_iterator type.


property_map class is used to obtain the property map type for a specific property (specified by vertex_index_t, one of the BGL predefined properties) and function call get(vertex_index, g) returns the actual property map object.


  int main(int,char*[])
    // ...

    typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;

    // get the property map for vertex indices
    typedef property_map<Graph, vertex_index_t>::type IndexMap;
    IndexMap index = get(vertex_index, g);

    std::cout << "vertices(g) = ";
    typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vertex_iter;
    std::pair<vertex_iter, vertex_iter> vp;
    for (vp = vertices(g); vp.first != vp.second; ++vp.first) {
      Vertex v = *vp.first;
      std::cout << index[v] <<  " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    // ...
    return 0;

The output is:

 vertices(g) = 0 1 2 3 4


Provides direct access to the adjacent vertices. This function returns a pair of adjacency iterators. Dereferencing an adjacency iterator gives a vertex descriptor for an adjacent vertex.

template <class Graph> struct exercise_vertex {
   void operator()(Vertex v) const
     std::cout << "adjacent vertices: ";
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator ai;
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator ai_end;
     for (boost::tie(ai, ai_end) = adjacent_vertices(v, g);
          ai != ai_end; ++ai)
       std::cout << index[*ai] <<  " ";
     std::cout << std::endl;

Accessing the Edge Set


this returns a pair of iterators, but in this case the iterators are edge iterators.

source() and target()

return the two vertices that are connected by the edge. Instead of explicitly creating a std::pair for the iterators, this time we will use the boost::tie() helper function.


This handy function can be used to assign the parts of a std::pair into two separate variables, in this case ei and ei_end. This is usually more convenient than creating a std::pair and is our method of choice for the BGL.

an example

// ...
int main(int,char*[])
  // ...
  std::cout << "edges(g) = ";
  graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
  for (boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = edges(g); ei != ei_end; ++ei)
      std::cout << "(" << index[source(*ei, g)]
                << "," << index[target(*ei, g)] << ") ";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  // ...
  return 0;

out_edges() and in_edges()

The out_edges() function takes two arguments: the first argument is the vertex and the second is the graph object. The function returns a pair of iterators which provide access to all of the out-edges of a vertex (similar to how the vertices() function returned a pair of iterators). .The iterators are called out-edge iterators and dereferencing one of these iterators gives an edge descriptor object.

The in_edges() function of the BidirectionalGraph interface provides access to all the in-edges of a vertex through in-edge iterators. The in_edges() function is ==only available== for the adjacency_list if bidirectionalS is supplied for the Directed template parameter. There is an extra cost in space when bidirectionalS is specified instead of directedS.

Adding Some Color to your Graph

This sections teach you how to attach properties to your graph.

  • Internal Properties: a property to be used throughout a graph object’s lifespan

  • Externally stored property: needed for the duration of a single algorithm, and it would be better to have the property stored separately from the graph object.

Extending Algorithms with Visitors


The predecessor visitor will then only be responsible for what parent to record. To implement this, we create a record_predecessors class and template it on the predecessor property map PredecessorMap.